The focus is on universities from the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb regions, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as ‘hidden champions’ as well as start-ups.
Transformation and innovation in the regions of Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb
The Stuttgart region has always been a centre of the automotive and mechanical engineering industry. In order to secure and further expand this position, the transformation of Stuttgart as an automotive centre is being intensively promoted and supported.
This is why a university-partner-network is being set up in the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb regions as part of the "Cluster Automotive Region Stuttgart 2.0 - Transformation Network for Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (CARS 2.0)" project!
The network aims at sustainable regional knowledge and technology transfer.
Measures and goals:
- Knowledge exchange, promotion of innovative strength & collaboration: close networking and exchange of knowledge among universities, companies and start-ups allow to develop new ideas, technologies and processes that will sustainably advance the automotive industry.
Technology transfer & strengthening of competitiveness: The region should maintain its leading position in the global automotive and mechanical engineering industry. The transfer of research and technology is to be facilitated by creating mechanisms and resources.
- Networking and Events: Networking and various events on transformation topics in the automotive industry are important components of the initiative.
InnoRegioChallenge: Through the InnoRegioChallenges, innovative and sustainable solutions can be achieved for research questions of the participating companies.
Implementation and support:
The university partner network is jointly organised and built by the:
- Transfer Centre (TRACES) of the University of Stuttgart
- InnovationCampus Future Mobility (ICM)
- The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS)
- Association for University and Science Regions e.V. (HWRS)
and sponsored by the project CARS 2.0.
Past events:
Online Kick-Off:
Development of a university partner network as part of the "CARS 2.0" project
Networking event:
University Partner Network of the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb Regions
Location: University of Stuttgart
InnoRegioChallenge - Hackathon/Pitch Day:
University Partner Network of the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb Regions
Location: Gotbrod, WRS
Rubina Zern-Breuer
Dr.Head of Transfer Center
[Photo: Universität Stuttgart]
Tamara Arutyunyants
Head of Business Relations
Zorica Kačarević
Research Associate