Cultivating mindfulness
This course is about developing an understanding of mindfulness and meditation. On the one hand for yourself, on the other hand also for use and sharing, e.g. in the team.
We will find out what mindfulness can be helpful for in the field of entrepreneurship. The pillars of stress management and inner stability, communication and teamwork skills as well as innovation and creativity play central roles.
We will learn what approaches there are for meditation and mindfulness training in practice and also apply and practise these. Such mindfulness practice can be used, for example, to develop empathy and the ability to deal with conflict, resilience, concentration and clarity, active listening and self-reflection.
We also examine mindfulness and its significance for entrepreneurship as a topic of current research. As a result, we have gained practical experience with mindfulness and meditation and are able to understand and categorise this with a theoretical basis.
At the end of the course, you will have a skillset that will enable you to put your own approaches into practice for yourself and for others.

Melanie Minderjahn
Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations