Developing future entrepreneurs
The Entrepreneurship and Start-up department at TRACES acts as an operational partner for start-ups and research transfers in close cooperation with the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science(ENI),the Technologie-Transfer-Initiative GmbH (TTI) and the Startup Campus 0711.
Whether invention, start-up idea or entrepreneurial interest, our team of experienced coaches with different specialist backgrounds supports spin-offs with a technological background from the scientific institutes as well as students and graduates with their ideas in all start-up phases.
Our accompanying consulting services include initial advice, further development of business models and networking. Together with the Research and Transfer Department, we also provide advice on the use of patents and licenses (see also IP).
First consultation
We offer start-up advice for anyone interested in setting up a business and for those who are still unsure. Our coaches can be contacted by email at startupcoaching(@) to arrange an initial meeting. Our advice is free of charge and, of course, strictly confidential.
You can also find further information on founding a company at the University of Stuttgart here. Besides more information about offers, there is also a a list of all start-up advisors of the University of Stuttgart.
Rooms for start-ups
Start-ups looking for premises can find offers for available office space and commercial premises on the website of roomstr and the Wirtschaftsregion Stuttgart.
AWAKE program
In the eight-week intensive course, you will receive professional support from the idea to prototyping to the pitch. The module is organized around the current lecture units to show that you can already pursue your own start-up projects during your studies. Participants work together in interdisciplinary teams and develop individual business models. Each team receives a budget and advice from various internal and external coaches. At the end of the program, the entrepreneurial projects are presented to a jury and a large audience and awarded prizes.
We would like to thank SEODeutschland for their support of the AWAKE program.